During the European version of RFID Journal LIVE, held in London on the 13th of November 2019, Professor Antonio Rizzi presented RFID Lab and the latest research results.
In his speech “Beyond Inventory Management: RFID in Visual Merchandising”, he stressed how RFID can be used not only for inventory counting and tracking, but also for visual merchandising providing visiblity of for instance how well the merchandise is performing in a specifi store display location.
“A store without RFID is like a dark room where store managers act blind eyed” says Antonio while emphasizing that RFID turns the light on 3 different visibility levels:
- Inventory accuracy
- Replenishment from the backroom
- RFID visual merchansising that opimizes the salesfloor showing what is worth displaying and what needs to be either moved or replaced.
Please be in touch if you require information on this or any other relevant topic.