We are delighted to inform that Prof. Dr. Ing. Dieter Uckelmann is visiting professor at the University of Parma from the 8th of September – 1st of October 2020.
As part of the TeachInParma project Prof. Dieter Uckelmann, from the Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences (HFT Stuttgart), will be giving a series of didactic seminars at the Department of Engineering and Architecture. The purpose of the seminars, connected to the activities of the DigiLab4U project, is to teach aspiring lecturers how to prepare and write education-oriented materials. The target audience of the seminars are therefore Ph.D. students at the University of Parma considering a future as lecturers/professors.
During the seminars the participants will cowrite a textbook chapter that in the future will prepare and accompany students in laboratory activities in the RFID Lab. The RFID-conveyor at the Parma RFID Lab and its integration into DigiLab4U will in fact provide the background for this chapter to be written together during the seminars.
Prof. Dieter Uckelmann has been professor of information logistics at Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences (HFT Stuttgart) since 2012. His research activities focus on applications in the Internet of Things in the areas of Industry 4.0, Logistics and Smart Building, as well as on the corresponding didactics, especially involving laboratories.
It is not the first time Prof. Dieter Uckelmann visits our department and the RFID Lab. He was guest researcher at Parma University in 2016 and he is visiting professor at our department since 2017. The research done together, such as the research project DigiLab4U, witness a rich and fruitful collaboration.
We welcome Prof. Dieter Uckelmann back on campus and look forward to sharing ideas and reflections during the seminars.