A collaborative Ph.D. project between the University of Parma and Murata ID Solutions will research the development of AI algorithms in support of RFID technology.
As part of the industry-academia partnership between Parma University and Murata, for the next three years Engineer Mirco Rosa will research applications of Artificial Intelligence in support of RFID technology.
The doctoral research will contribute to the development of new and innovative RFID applications and help increase the performances of the technology.
Globalization, the expansion of Internet, unprecedented events, today’s supply chain is requested to be efficient, flexible and resilient. The adoption of advanced technologies such as RFID is therefore seen as a fundamental step for an increasing number of companies.
The rapid diffusion and growth of the technology together with its constant technical evolution inevitably lead to new engineering challenges. One of the most interesting and complex issues concerns the physical location of RFID tags. The current solutions are normally based on the separation of the reading area by means of physical distance and/or shielding. Solutions that all encompass several challenges and room for improvements.
This research aims to develop methodologies that allow for punctual accurate and real-time information on the physical location of the tag by adopting a holistic approach, by utilizing the current available tools (mostly hardware) combined with modern elaboration techniques and data analysis such as cloud computing and machine learning (artificial intelligence).
We are confident that this doctoral study, carried out in collaboration with Murata ID Solutions, will bring new and crucial scientific insights on RFID applications and provide valuable information on how to increase and optimize the technologies’ performances in the field.
We will keep you updated on outcomes and results.